Single-Family Rentals Only Marginally Impact Apartment Building Investments PNC EVP says. Video via Globe St.

Scott Bassin, EVP and head of multifamily for PNC Real Estate says single family rentals will only marginally impact apartment building investment because there is a certain group of people who want or need single family homes, and everyone else. See his comments in the Globe St. video from the NMHC Apartment Strategies Conference in Palm Springs.

Single Family Rentals only have small impact on Apartment Building Investment
Scott Bassin, EVP at PNC with Globe St. in Palm Springs


Fannie, Freddie list top Apartment Building lenders for 2012.

Multifamily Housing News has lists of Fannie Mae’s (here) and Freddie Mac’s (here) top lenders and products for 2012. First Fannie’s:

Fannie top Apartment Building Lenders for 2012

And Freddie’s:

Top Sellers Nationwide—Volume

  1. CBRE Capital Markets—$6.2 Billion
  2. Berkadia Commercial Mortgage—$3.6 Billion
  3. Wells Fargo Multifamily Capital; Holliday Fenoglio Fowler, L.P.—$2.4 Billion
  4. Walker & Dunlop, LLC—$2.3 Billion
  5. NorthMarq Capital, LLC—$1.9 Billion

Top Seller by Freddie Mac Multifamily Region

  • Southeast Region: Berkadia Commercial Mortgage, Richmond, Va.
  • Central Region: CBRE Capital Markets, Dallas, Texas
  • Western Region: CBRE Capital Markets, Newport Beach, Calif.
  • Northeast Region: Beech Street Capital, LLC, New York, N.Y.

Fannie grew their small loan volume by Continue reading Fannie, Freddie list top Apartment Building lenders for 2012.

Top US Cities for Job and Apartment Building Investment Revenue Growth Charted. Axiometrics via MFE Mag

MFE Apartment Trends posted an Axiometrics chart of the top US cities for job growth and apartment revenue growth for 2013:

Apartment Building Investment Revenue and Job Growth 2013 Continue reading Top US Cities for Job and Apartment Building Investment Revenue Growth Charted. Axiometrics via MFE Mag