New Stats from HUD/Census apartment building finance survey

HUD and the Census Bureau released the latest version of the Rental Housing Finance Survey. The “Survey fills an important gap in our understanding of who owns multifamily rental housing – mostly individuals, not large companies — and how multifamily rental housing is financed, especially as the structure of finance is changing.  In light of recent changes in the availability of capital for rental housing, the Rental Housing Finance Survey also provides important insight about the financial health and stability of multifamily housing properties.” said Erika Poethig, HUD’s Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Development.

2012 Rental Housing Finance Survey

This is one table from the xls on the Census Bureau’s site here. Note the tabs on the bottom which have the data broken out by different types.

A few bullet points from HUD’s release linked at the top of the post:

MBA: GSEs vital in Ensuring Liquidity and Stability in apartment building investment finance.

The Mortgage Bankers Association is out today with a white paper “Ensuring Liquidity And Stability: The Future Of Multifamily Housing Finance And The Government-Sponsored Enterprises“. (or see the MHN exec sum here) The paper highlights the role of the GSEs (Government Sponsored Enterprises, i.e. FNMA ‘Fannie Mae’ and FHLMC ‘Freddie Mac’) in today’s multifamily finance market and presents five recommendations for the future making their points with a set of charts that demonstrate the size of their role in multifamily as well as the very low amount of bad loans they’ve made in the sector.

  • Our nation’s housing policies should reflect the importance of multifamily rental housing, the range of capital sources that support this market, and the need for liquidity and stability in all market cycles.

Apartment occupancy has been growing while single family has been falling

GSE lending has been the largest part of meeting multifamily financing needs Continue reading MBA: GSEs vital in Ensuring Liquidity and Stability in apartment building investment finance.