#Multifamily REITs best performers in 1st half 2014

REIT.com had a piece called REIT Returns Outpace Broader Market in Solid First Half Showing out late last week and the part that caught my eye was the section titled: Apartment REITs Lead the Pack in First Half:

  • Apartment REITs were the strongest performers during the first half.
  • Total returns as of July 7 in the sector stood at 23.8 percent.
Apartment Building Investment REITS perform best during 1H 2014
Click image to view article on REIT.com

“There was increasing comfort in the market that fundamentals in the [apartment] sector were not decelerating as fast as many had feared,” said James Sullivan, managing director at Cowen & Co.

Apartment REIT managers are some of the best multifamily operators in the world and it pays to pay attention to what they’re doing. Unfortunately the returns on REIT shares are too often driven  by capital flows from the stock market rather than the pure performance these managers generate. Patient contrarian investors  can be rewarded however by waiting for apartment REITs  to fall out of favor with stock market investors and pick them up at bargain prices.

Click on the image above or use this link to see the article on REIT.com: REIT Returns Outpace Broader Market in Solid First Half Showing

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