Multihousing News yesterday posted an infographic called Apartment Living in 2080 suggesting what features might be standard in urban units sixty-seven years in the future. Some cool ideas but there was something familiar about it….

Oh that’s right, I’ve seen that TV show before!
Just one question: When’s my flying car going to get here?
This is crazy! Expanding spaces, I can’t imagine! I think I will still prefer the comfort of house living though.
Olivia, it is pretty out there but nothing much more than was imagined in the sixties by the creators of ‘The Jetsons.’ Still waiting for my flying car though-
I really appreciate your this post to let know very interesting features that might be a part of future apartment living management, But some of them seems to be little bit ambiguous as there may be difficulty to make them a reality.
Agree, although most of these ideas were dreamed up in the sixties and excepting my long awaited flying car many of them are becoming reality-