The Top 10 Fastest Growing US Cities. Own an apartment building investment in each.

Apartment investing is about where and when to buy properties; here’s 10 good ideas for the where part. Nice slide presentation via CNN/Money-

“Despite the housing bust and the recession, these 10 U.S. cities still managed to record population gains of 30% or more in the decade ending in 2010, according to the Census Bureau. The national average was less than 10% during that time.”

Apartment Investing in the 10 fastest growing US cities

See the presentation here: 10 fastest growing U.S. cities

If you can’twait here’s the list with their population growth (2000-2010):

  1. Charlotte, NC 64.6%
  2. Raleigh, NC 63.4%
  3. Cape Coral, FL 60.8%
  4. Provo, UT 59%
  5. Austin, TX 51.1%
  6. Las Vegas, NV 43.5%
  7. McAllen, TX 39.3%
  8. Knoxville, TN 33.1%
  9. Greenville, SC 32.5%
  10. San Antonio, TX 32.4%

You might be thinking; yeah but what have they done since the bust? That’s a great question and the nice folks over at the Brookings Institute have a very detailed report on population growth in major US metros during the last three decades, including this handy chart that breaks out the last decade by three year periods (not sure how you fit 10 years into three 3 year periods though-). The newest population data is from 2010 but it is instructive to see that the top growers in the 2007- 2010 period are not that different than the ones mentioned above:

Apartment Investment Population Growth 2007 2010














The report also contains a cool map of the biggest growers, check it out here: Population Growth in
Metro America since 1980


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